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Alex Amor

Writer: bizzarrebizzarre

Emerging Scottish act Alex Amor shares second track 'Prove Me Right'.

Scottish artist Alex Amor drops her second track ‘Prove Me Right,’ the follow up to her ‘The Part With Each Other’ today. The new single comes from her debut EP Love Language, expected for release in January 2021 via Believe. Produced closely by the 23 year-old Glaswegian alongside Karma Kid, the EP documents the progression of a relationship, touching on the complexities and heights of human relations, the restlessness of youth, and the inevitable demise of a relationship when both sides recognise they don’t align.

‘Prove Me Right’ sees Alex reflect candidly on her relatable experiences of modern dating. Alongside the track, she shares a filmed reading of an original accompanying poem, which can be viewed here. In her words;

"This was a time in my life when I had my four walls up. Dancing around the dating scene for the fear of getting burnt. Men had become so predictable in that world, that I was becoming cynical of someone’s compliments, well wishes and good intentions. So to avoid further disappointment

and cope with dating apps, I had it in my head that I was always going to be disappointed

and in doing so, the men I dated were always going to ‘Prove me Right’.

However, I now recognise, I was self actualising this outcome to an extent."

For Alex Amor, limitation was the key to creativity. In the summer of 2018, the intention to commit to music led to a decision to remove herself completely from distractions. Forgoing a social life,

Alex dedicated months to writing and recording music, transforming the cupboard under her parent’s stairs into a makeshift recording studio.

This act marked a transitional point for Alex as an artist. She describes this process as wholly liberating, teaching her the power of delayed gratification, and giving her a chance to create rather than just consume.

She credits this as being a re-awakening, a catalyst of momentum which followed her as she relocated alone to London. Alex’s life in a new city was marked initially by couch surfing and working in bars. But by the conclusion of her first year, she had also written the songs which would eventually become the Love Language EP. 

This EP reflects a recent time of my life where I am a woman struggling for autonomy.

I’m moving into adulthood and I’m desperately trying to make sense of its complexities.

Though there’s no happy resolve at the end of the EP, I feel more self-assured than ever, more me than I’ve ever been.

Naturally evolving, my ethos remains the same: to stay true to my intuition and try my best every day.”

Hailing from suburban Glasgow, Alex grew up singing in choirs, inspired by their ethereal sound as much as she was the lyricism and syncopation of rap. Whilst music always enriched her life, Alex’s compulsion towards creativity first led her to art school where she studied textile design, creating garments which experimented with tailored simplicity and bold patterns. This appreciation for duality is not lost when translated to Alex’s music, which is inspired widely by her fascination with the intersection of opposing forces.

“The EP title, Love Language, is a reference to Gary Chapman's book ‘The Five Love Languages’ which expands on the 5 different ways humans show affection in a relationship. The title track is about a relationship that fails to align in that way. Opposites can sometimes attract but in this case,

they repel.

I am obsessed with paradox and juxtaposition - calm and chaos, dark and light, serious and playful. This EP shows both sides of the coin for me too: my cynicism for love and also succumbing to it

despite being cautious to begin with.”

Whilst Alex’s music documents her own experiences and passions, it’s as much a vehicle of connection as it is personal reflection.

“The lyrics are conversational for a reason: I am speaking directly to people from the heart. There’s an overarching theme of positivity in my music, the idea that it’s okay if things aren’t okay but there’s always hope that things will get better.”

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