Modern lensed new wave Philly duo Korine announces new LP The Night We Raise out September 4th on Born Losers & Data Airlines.

Korine is a Philadelphia based electronic pop duo consisting of members Morgy Ramone and Trey Frye. The pair blends new wave nostalgia with modern pop sensibilities, contrasting upbeat rhythms against sullen, emotionally evocative lyrics. The duo announces their new album The Night We Raise, set for a September 4th release date on Philadelphia label Born Losers Records (US) and Data Airlines (EU).
“Fate”, is the album’s first single, a night-drive synth work packed into their music is on full display, with “Fate” painting with a neon paint brush. The self-directed video frames up the Korine vibe nicely.,
The majority of The Night We Raise was composed between August 2019 and January 2020. Ramone and Frye approach creating music with a DIY mentality, staying self reliant throughout the entire songwriting, recording, producing, and mixing stages. Since the band’s formation, all songs have been recorded in makeshift studios across Frye's last 4 apartments.
Frye explains
“We know what we want to sound like more than anyone else, so it works best for us this way. If we don't know how to do something or make something sound the way we want, we teach ourselves.”
Ramone, the lyricist for the group, elaborates further.
“The Night We Raise is largely about anticipation, like seeing the top of a steep hill and envisioning yourself as you descend. Between the dark and dense are feelings of optimism, admiring things that are beautiful, and being true to yourself. There is freedom in knowing who you are and I think this album is a representation of that idea.”
Ramone and Frye met in 2015 after moving to Philadelphia within the same month but from very different places. Ramone coming from Brooklyn after residing there for 6 years and Frye from West Virginia where he was born. By chance the two were hired at a mutually loathed cafe in West Philly and there discovered several shared artistic interests and began working on music and photography together. After a handful of demos and experiments “Korine” was formally introduced in late 2017 with a self-released EP Corsage and photo zine the pair created while shooting film during the song writing process.
Korine debuted their first full-length record New Arrangements in 2018 on Born Losers Records which helped land the band multiple nationwide tours and two sold out vinyl pressings. Following this release were two acclaimed singles “Uncrossed” and “To You” which were specially released on a limited 7” vinyl in the Fall of 2019, and marked a stylistic evolution for the band - a departure from the familiar 80s era influence to incorporate a more contemporary pop awareness.
Musically speaking, they filter elements of new wave nostalgia through a modern lens, taut songwriting, upbeat rhythms, and emotionally packed lyrics. There are obvious parallels to early Depeche Mode and New Order, but the night-drive synth work packed into their music see them sharing a Nicolas Winding Refn/‘Drive’ headspace as well.
The Night We Raise shows the band growing even further into their own, both the songwriting and musicality more assured than ever, and will be released jointly by Born Losers Records (US) and Data Airlines (FR).

Korine - 'The Night We Raise'